Exchange rate is 6.96RMB = 1USDShangHai Nonferrous Metals SMM A00 Aluminum is 18920 RMB/ton (2718 USD/ton)Compare last working today price declinedRMB40/$6 YongHong Aluminum supply the aluminum sheet and aluminum coil as you required.
The battery shell is the bearing part of the electric vehicle power battery, which is mainly composed of the upper cover and the lower shell. It is used to protect the power battery from damage in case of external collision and extrusion, and plays a key role in the safety and protection of the batt
Exchange rate is 6.34 RMB = 1USDChangjiang Nonferrous Metals A00 Aluminum is 23290RMB/ton (3673USD/ton)Compare last working day price increased RMB400/$63 YongHong Aluminum supply the aluminum sheet and aluminum coil as you required.
Comprehensive interpretation of the characteristics of eight series of aluminum and aluminum alloys Aluminum has a lighter specific gravity, less springback during forming, higher strength, close to or higher than that of high-quality steel, good plasticity, and when the product is formed more c
Exchange rate is 6.38 RMB = 1USDChangjiang Nonferrous Metals A00 Aluminum is 18460 RMB/ton (2893USD/ton)Compare last working day price increasedRMB480/$72 YongHong Aluminum supply the aluminum sheet and aluminum coil as you required.
Exchange rate is 6.42 RMB = 1USDChangjiang Nonferrous Metals A00 Aluminum is 22800 RMB/ton (3551 USD/ton)Compare last working day price increased RMB180/$28